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Start Your Journey to Peace of Mind

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The Know Thyself Journey (KTJ) is dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families achieve their desired goals in life by providing a holistic approach to Spiritual and Mental Wellness. We understand that navigating daily life can be overwhelming, which is why we believe that spiritual and mental wellness should be simplified and applied naturally. Our team of KTJ counselors is passionate and skilled in coaching individuals who are willing to put in the necessary work to succeed in their journey to "Heal Thyself." While we don't possess a magic wand to make your life problems disappear, we do have the tools and training to empower you to repair or rebuild a life that aligns with your own sense of purpose.

At KTJ, we are here to support you in facing life's difficulties with a sense of meaning and purpose. We are committed to walking alongside our clients throughout their incredible journey of self-discovery, and self-awareness, to

Know Thyself. 

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A few of our popular Services

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We at KTJ want you to know that you're not alone in this journey. It takes much courage to reach out and ask for help, and we are really proud of you for taking this step. Remember that seeking support for your mental well-being is a sign of strength, not weakness.

You deserve to feel better and to have your emotions validated. Having difficult moments and struggles is okay – they don't define you. You have the power to overcome them, and there are people who genuinely care about your well-being.

Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can offer the support you need. This journey might be tough, but you can find greater peace and happiness with the right support and self-care.

Keep moving forward – there's a brighter future ahead. You Got This!!


Yssis Saadi El a guest panelist for an Interfaith Discussion  at The Atlanta Shambhala Center , Decatur GA

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Interfaith at Know Thyself Journey

Introspective Interfaith Counseling 

Are you on a quest to comprehend your true purpose and find answers to the multitude of "What" or "Why" questions that arise within you? At Know Thyself Journey, we understand that exploring your inner self often leads to the revelation of a higher calling, one that involves serving humanity. We believe that spirituality is essential to one's life purpose and holds great significance.

Our Approach:

Whether you follow Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Hebrew faith, Bahá'í, Zionism, Confucianism, Rastafarianism, or any other beautiful form of devotion, we deeply respect and honor your chosen beliefs. At Know Thyself Journey, we embrace the opportunity to understand your faith and assist you in integrating your beliefs meaningfully and purposefully into your life's journey.

Services We Offer: Personalized Counseling: Our experienced counselors work with you to explore your spiritual path and how it intersects with your life purpose. We provide a safe and respectful environment for you to discuss your beliefs, doubts, and aspirations. Faith Integration: We help you integrate your spiritual beliefs into your daily life, providing guidance on how to live in alignment with your faith and values. Purpose Discovery: Through introspective counseling, we assist you in uncovering your higher calling and understanding how you can serve humanity. We focus on helping you find answers to the "What" and "Why" questions that arise within you. Interfaith Understanding: We celebrate and respect all forms of devotion, fostering an inclusive atmosphere where your unique beliefs are honored and valued. Navigating Life's Challenges: We recognize that life's challenges can seem intricate in a complex world. Our counselors provide you with the knowledge and tools to grow and improve yourself, turning obstacles into opportunities for spiritual and personal development. Why Choose Know Thyself Journey? Respect for All Beliefs: We honor and respect all faiths, ensuring that your spiritual journey is supported and valued. Holistic Approach: Our counseling services address the mind, body, and spirit, helping you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. Experienced Counselors: Our team is dedicated to understanding your unique path and providing personalized support. At Know Thyself Journey, we strive to cultivate the idea of serving a greater purpose. We believe that with knowledge comes the power to grow and improve oneself. Let us help you navigate your spiritual journey and discover the deeper meaning and purpose of your life.

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"When I searched for myself, I discovered the Creator; when I discovered the Creator, I found myself."   

What can you expect from your session

At Know Thyself Journey, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to life's complex problems. Each individual has unique circumstances that require a tailored approach. We want to emphasize that even with a solution in place, there is no guarantee that it will completely resolve the problem. We believe that your ability to face difficulties head-on is what sets you apart. That's why we are here to assist you in being prepared for the unknown. We encourage you to approach challenges with courage and rely on your intellect rather than being driven solely by emotions. By setting boundaries and using your voice to direct change, you can empower yourself to navigate through life's obstacles. It's important to recognize that personal growth is not an overnight process. We discourage the idea of working on a solution without seeing any positive changes for months. We believe that progress should be evident within a reasonable timeframe. 


We firmly believe that every solution starts with a conversation. Our team is skilled in actively listening to what you say, as well as what you may not explicitly express. This allows us to build a strong dialogue focused on constructing a solid plan tailored to your needs. We want to emphasize that this journey requires effort and dedication. You must be ready to put in the work and meet each challenge with insight, courage, and faith. We understand that nothing worth having will ever come easy. Allow us to walk with you for a while on your journey, providing guidance and support along the way.

 We welcome you to ask questions to determine if we are the right fit to guide you on our journey.

Over the course of two decades, I have dedicated myself to assisting clients in overcoming the barriers that hinder their progress in life. I firmly believe that life is too precious to be spent in unhappiness, uncertainty, or a lack of fulfillment. My purpose is to guide my clients toward a more optimistic perspective on life and equip them with the necessary resources to achieve it. Allow me to support you in acquiring new knowledge and cultivating effective strategies to navigate the challenges that impede your goals.

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I look forward to meeting you. Together, we will embark on a journey towards a better life.

Know Thyself Journey LLC
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